Wednesday, August 4, 2010

A new place to call home for Cristian

Hello friends,

It is time to share some good news (well good, happy and a little sad all at the same time). A couple of weeks ago, one of the abandoned children at the orphanage, little Cristian, went back to live with his dad after having lived with us for the last 2 years. Cristian's father made a profession of faith a while back and said that the Lord has changed his life. So over the last 6 months the pastor has been meeting with him and getting more involved in his life to see first hand how things are progressing in his walk with the Lord. During that time, Cristian's father was married and settled down by moving into a house and getting a reliable job and therefore can better take care of Cristian's ever present and growing needs. After much prayer and discussion, it was decided that it was best for Cristian to be back with his real father. This is a little sad for us but at the same time it is what we desire for all of these abandoned children who still have living parents. We pray that all the abandoned children of the orphanage might one day be reunited with their families; after encountering the grace, mercy and forgiveness of our glorious Savior that is!

Just a few photos of Cristian.

And although we are happy for him, it will take some getting used to us not seeing his smiling face at the table anymore! May the Lord bless you Cristian and use all that you have learned during your stay with your "other" family.

1 comment:

  1. YAY!!! Praise the Lord! I will be praying his transition goes well and that living with his family will be good for him.
